
Matt has written four books with his wife, Anna Whitehouse (aka @Mother_Pukka), including three Sunday-Times bestsellers. Their first novel, Underbelly, was optioned by Pulse Films, with Matt adapting. Over 10 years in journalism he has written for The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Evening Standard, Time Out and edited scores of magazines and travel guides.


Matt was co-host of the BPA award-winning, iTunes-top-ten podcast Dirty Mother Pukka and the one-off interview series Where’s My Happy Ending? He has given talks on modern parenting, fatherhood and flexible working for organisations including…

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Posting originally as ‘@Papa_Pukka’, Matt helped to launch Mother Pukka, an editorial, video-led platform for ‘people who happen to be parents,’ and has been featured across international media tackling issues ranging from miscarriage and fatherhood to flexible working.